Home » Reniala Sarl Park

Reniala Sarl Park

The Reniala Sarl Park is tourist attraction in Madagascar developed on 29 hectares of land that includes a zoological and botanical park. The Reniala Sarl park is associated with the Société Industrielle du Boina (SIB), which is a company  founded in 1947 to make laundry soap and refining oil.

Located on land owned SIB, the two organizations partner together to create both the botanical park and to undertake small environmental conservation initiatives including wastewater treatment projects using artificial ponds.

Lemurs at the Reniala Sarl Park

The Reniala Sarl Park houses lemurs that have been confiscated by the government from the illegal pet trade in Madagascar.

They currently house:

  • brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus),Reniala Sarl
  • red-fronted lemurs (Eulemur rufus),
  • mongoose lemurs (Eulemur mongoz),
  • coquerel’s sifaka (Propithecus coquerelli), and
  • mouse lemurs (Microcebus sp.).

As one of the few organizations in Madagascar that is legally allowed to rehabilitate lemurs, Reniala Sarl makes efforts to ensure the health and safety of their captive lemurs. For example, they periodically host experts from western zoos and organizations to work specifically with the park’s primates.

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