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Lemurs! Card Games

Learn about lemurs with card games in Malagasy and English from the Lemur Conservation Network.

Use them as flashcards or play all 6 games with friends! The box includes 94 total cards — including 29 lemur species flashcards — and instructions for 6 games. Some games were adapted from the familiar — Memory, Go Fish, and Top Trumps — and some are unique for these cards!

Cost (English cards): $40 plus shipping

Shipping within the USA costs $15 for one and $20 for two. Shipping to the UK and Europe costs $40 for one and $45 for two. Shipping outside these regions incurs additional costs.

If you are a conservation organization, zoo, or teacher that would like to use the English or Malagasy games, you may be eligible to receive one or more boxes of cards for free.


Species Cards

The box includes two species cards for each of the included lemur species. The species span all types of lemurs and regions of Madagascar. Each species card features:

  • Common name in English and Malagasy
  • Scientific name
  • Illustration of the lemur
  • Labeled illustrations of the lemur’s traits: size, habitat(s), food(s), and activity type
  • Map showing where the species is found in Madagascar

Trait Cards

Additionally, the box includes two cards for each trait.

  • Habitats: rainforest, dry forest, spiny forest, and wetlands
  • Foods: insects, worms, and grubs; fruits, nuts, and seeds; leaves; and bamboo
  • Size: small, medium, and large
  • Activity type: diurnal, nocturnal, and cathemeral

Available Languages

The cards are available in English and Malagasy. Illustrations are designed to be understandable for all, regardless of language or reading ability.


The Malagasy cards are available in Antananarivo, Madagascar. These cards include trait labels in Official Malagasy, and prioritize the Malagasy common name on the top of the card. The box includes instructions in Malagasy, French, and English.


The English cards are available to be shipped from the USA, with shipping fees paid by the recipient. These cards include trait labels in English, and prioritize the English common name on the top of the card. The box includes instructions in English. French and Malagasy instructions are available digitally upon request.


Watch these videos on our YouTube channel to learn how to play the games. The videos are in Malagasy with English subtitles.


In Madagascar

The Lemur Conservation Network has supplied over 130 boxes of Malagasy cards to over 40 organizations and many schools across Madagascar. Each organization and school is trained to play the card games so that they can implement the activities with their communities.

We have also held 6 education activity days using the games with communities:

  • Manombo (in collaboration with GERP)
  • Tsinjoarivo (in collaboration with SADABE)
  • Alaotra (in collaboration with MWC)
  • Masoala (in collaboration with Masoala Forest Lodge)
  • Mariarano (in collaboration with Mariarano VOI)
  • Andasibe (2023 World Lemur Festival)

Through these workshops, we have learned that both kids and adults enjoy playing the games, and think they are a fun way to learn about lemurs.

We are now developing more lesson plans to help teachers across Madagascar use the games with their students. And, we are building partnerships with education organizations and schools across Madagascar to expand our impact.

Around the World

In the USA, we have supplied the English card games to 50 zoos and five teachers. Zoos use the cards for their World Lemur Day events, summer camps, and in educational activities throughout the year.

Kids learn how to play lemur card games with LCN volunteer, Misa.
Education activity in Manombo, in collaboration with GERP
Kids in the village outside Masoala National Park enjoy playing LCN's card game.
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